Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Vapor-locked brain, looking for relief.

Do you write?  You know, like books, short stories, poetry?  Do you write any of this kind of stuff?  I do.

Well, I'm not writing anything right now, other than this blog that no one will see.  I'm not writing right now because I'm constipated; not in the bowels but in the brain.  I'm dumpin' daily, doin' the poo, dropping the load, but the brain, well, it's constipated.

I want to start a new novel and a novella.  I have the overall idea for both fixed between the ears.  But it's hung there, stuck, not moving, not developing, because my brain is constipated.

I don't believe there are any laxatives for  a constipated brain.  Do you know of any.  You who are not there and therefore, not reading what I have written.

If you, who are not there, have any productive ideas on prying open a brain that is slammed shut tighter than Dick's hatband, drop me a line.  Any help would be sincerely appreciated.

Until next time then, when you are again not there to read this, stay safe.

A frustrated scribe,

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